Arrival of the Cedar Waxwings

Yesterday was peaceful and calm.  It was particularly pleasant to enjoy the stillness after a couple of weeks of brutal and annoying winds, adding to the frustration of the drought in Oklahoma.  To combat the dry conditions I have been outside daily, moving 100 and  200 foot water hoses to keep plants and landscaping alive.  Yesterday evening, as I headed around the north side of the house near the woods, I heard a chorus of high-pitched whistling and trilling. It appeared to be coming from an area where I had placed a sprinkler.

Distinguished guests enjoying a sprinkler shower!

I didn’t recognize the birds with  bandit-looking masks, nor the high-pitched trill so I scurried into the house for my binoculars and camera.  I stopped briefly at the computer to research the species and sure enough, our visitor’s were Cedar Waxwings. As I headed back outside, a large flock was converging near the water again.  Some perched in the trees above, looking out as if sentries, and others enjoyed an artificial shower on the ground.  Still others managed insecure footholds in shrubs, others alight on the fence… but all enjoying the cool drops of refreshing water.

Black masked sentries watching over.

FD managed to back our electric 4-wheeler fairly close to the visitors so we were able to watch in great detail with the binoculars and capture some stunning photographs of this amazing bird.  It’s silky, shiny collection of brown, gray, and lemon-yellow feathers, accented with a subdued crest, rakish black mask, and brilliant-red wax droplets on the wing feathers, make it a treat to observe.

Nearly camouflaged in nature.

There was a time in my young life where a bird was simply a bird and I couldn’t tell one chirp or trill from another, nor did I care to take the time to investigate.  It’s a blessing at this point in life, to stop, observe and enjoy the beautiful life that surrounds us.  Some days I notice the vegetation and plant life, others a critter moving across the pasture in search of food.  Sometimes I notice a cloud formation or a storm moving in.  There is always a gift in each day… sometimes several gifts of nature.  And isn’t it wonderful when we finally open our eyes and take the time to appreciate what presents itself to us?

© Day by Day the Farm Girl Way…

6 thoughts on “Arrival of the Cedar Waxwings

    1. Thanks for visiting! This was my first sighting of waxwings and I was completely enthralled! I just checked out your blog… absolutely LOVE your photography!


  1. Lori, we have had quite a few Waxwings here on Frisco Avenue, for the last week or so. A few years ago, Lynn showed me some waxwings on the street leading up to WFEC. Several (10%) of those was wings had tail feathers tipped in red rather than yellow. I read that if they are eating a certain kind of berry when the feathers are developing the tail feathers will be tipped in red. I thought it was interesting!


    1. Dick, Some of them did have the orange/red tips. It was truly amazing to observe them so closely. I do hope they’ll return again! I’m hooked on waxwings!!


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