Amazing Gracie

Early this morning, as I sat at my desktop computer sipping coffee and attempting to catch up on paying bills and looking at email, I spotted motion outside the window in front of me. It was little fawn Ellie running in the lead, with mama Ruthie deer closely trotting behind, and followed by Gracie deer … More Amazing Gracie


The day after fawns Ellie and Jojo were born, we realized that Jojo had problems with her legs and that likely, in the wild, would have left her as predator bait. A fawn should be able to stand and nurse within about 30 minutes of birth, and be able to walk and follow it’s mother … More Diligence

Little Legs

Forrest and I were up early the morning after Ruthie gave birth to her twins. Already, Ruthie was walking around the deer pen, grazing on grasses, and nibbling leaves from elm branches I had cut the day before. I got busy putting fresh water in buckets while Forrest tied back two of the gates to … More Little Legs

Born in a Barn

Last Sunday, June 27th, I woke up to Oscar and Lollipop gently scratching the door to our bedroom. It was just after 7:00 a.m. and I could not imagine why the dogs let me sleep an hour later than usual. But, just that one extra hour of sleep had me refreshed and ready for the … More Born in a Barn

A Venomous Strike

If ever we needed a miracle on our little ranch, it would be now. We are faced with a rehabilitation scenario more challenging than any other we have ever encountered. The Wednesday before Memorial Day, Ruthie deer did not return home in the evening with her three sisters. We did not think much of this … More A Venomous Strike