Let It Rain

As this month went on, we just could not believe the rains kept coming. After four years of drought, our area of Oklahoma had been designated as having “severe” drought status while conditions in the area just west of us were considered to be in the “extreme” drought category. As such, I never heard anyone … More Let It Rain

Living In Tornado Alley

For the past two days, local news crews have diligently covered the aftermath of the EF-4/EF-5 tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma on May 20, 2013.  Native Oklahoman’s watch with empathy, knowing well the impact of volatile weather.  People from across the nation and the entire world watch coverage in the days to follow, in disbelief.  For … More Living In Tornado Alley

In the Dark of Night

It is a nightly ritual of mine to venture out onto the back porch, scanning the woodlands below the slope for diners at the deer feeder. Using my high-beam flashlight to light up the woods, I always hope I will discover some “green” eyes reflecting back at me. Specifically, I’m hoping to catch a glimpse … More In the Dark of Night